Redefining Pleasure

What is your definition of pleasure? Here are a few examples from the dictionary

*pleasure: noun, A feeling of happy satisfaction and enjoyment

*pleasure: adjective, used or intended for entertainment rather than business

*pleasure: verb, give sexual enjoyment or satisfaction to

**Definitions from Oxford Languages

Wow ok. So pleasure is accessed when we are happy and enjoying things, its for entertainment and not so much involved in business, and if your pleasure is based in an ¨action, or verb¨ it has to be sexual.

In other words..we can not access pleasure when we are not happy, We cannot access pleasure while working or doing business, and The only action related to pleasure is sexual. If you are walking around with these beliefs in your back pocket there really doesn’t seem to be a lot of access to pleasure.

My definition of pleasure is different. Based on my life experiences and the teachings from SOEE(school of embodied arts) I have expanded the definition to be

Pleasure: An all encompassing sense of aliveness, vitality, and flow

With this definition pleasure is available regardless of if we are happy, sad, in pain, angry, etc. Pleasure is accessible to every body in every moment of life, whether doing business or jumping into a river, regardless of gender, age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, etc . Pleasure does not necessarily mean fucking, or feeling in the genital area. Most importantly Pleasure is accessed from within YOU, throughout you, and outside you(from other sources)

With this definition Pleasure in my life looks like:

  • the way my breath gets caught in my throat when I witness something beautiful

  • the knowing that even when I am in deep sorrow everything is in flow, nothing lasts, and this moment is just as valid as deep joy

  • allowing my lover to shower me with attention and knowing i am worthy

  • the feeling of a hot fire warming my bone cold fingers

  • the sensation of full body pulsating when I am enthralled with life

  • being in/witness to every moment with presence, reverence, and love

Pleasure is within and around us at all times. It is our job, our duty, our sovereign right to reclaim pleasure in our life. And it is an ongoing practice.

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Your Role in Patriarchy


raising kids is tough yo