Pleasure is Accessible to Every Body

Reclaiming PLEASURE results in..

  • deeply felt sensuality; the ability to fully experience all of your life

  • emotional alchemy; transforming the darkness of your soul into your superpower

  • a sense of belonging; connection to the earth, the people, and your unique spirituality

  • cyclical cohesion; through womb or moon you settle back into nature’s rhythms

  • an open heart; ready to receive all of the universal offerings

  • pussy power; your sexuality is your right as a creature of this earth

  • trust in your intuitive knowings; decision making based on your soul’s truth

  • taking a stand; being for something bigger than you

  • magnetism; the ability to draw your deeply aligned desires towards you

It all starts with Sensation

Hi! I’m Jessica. I help women inhabit their bodies so they can access their pleasure, reclaim their life, and discover HER.

Who is this HER?

She is radiant with PLEASURE. She is the one that lives aligned with her souls greatest desires. She is fully expressed in her sexuality and her sensuality. She stands in her power with balanced feminine&masculine certainty. She is attuned to her intuition and embodies her truth. She uses her cyclical nature to connect back to the great mother earth. She is fearlessly committed to discovering who she is at core.

..and she is you at your core

Where is SHE?

This world we live in can be harsh on a body. A woman’s essential truth gets buried under years of societal demands, patriarchal systems, familial structures, beliefs, trauma, the list is neverending.

She has never left your physical form but she may be out of your periphery. In hiding and ready to be set free.

I am here to help guide you back to HER.

¨I have seen Jessica for embodiment coaching a few times now and always come away feeling more grounded and clear in who I am. Jessica’s sessions often help me to make contact with my inner wild nature and for that I am so grateful. She has a calm and trusting presence and asks the most potent questions. I highly recommend!¨

-Callista Madronaz

Curious to learn more?

 Check out my offerings.

words from a recovering people pleaser